Monday 16 December 2013

AS Media Studies : Step Outline for Horror Film Titles

Over this week and over Christmas it is expected that you explore conventional Horror film titles. When you return after the break you will be writing;
  • a film pitch (which you will then receive feedback for from your target audience and amend appropriately)
  • a storyboard
  • a step-outline
  • a shot-list
  • a script
  • a costume and props collage
  • maintaining an edit log
  • filming the whole thing in a day at Bentley Priory Use images from this site as part of your planning.
  • editing
  • evaluating and completing your coursework projects.
Phew! That is A LOT to do so you must ensure that when you return, this task is completed.

You must complete two step-outlines for two film openings. You must then bring together your findings about conventions within film titles to 'inform' you own work. Use screen shots and some presentation software like PowerPoint or prezi to discuss the information you have discovered.

You may choose to produce two step-outlines as a whole group (splitting the table up between you with each focusing on an area) and then put together a prezi where each of you contribute to one prezi presentation. This is up to you but needs to be completed over Christmas if it isn't done before you leave.

Useful Documents

Shot types :

Camera Angles:

Camera Movements:

Horror Film Titles Available on the Web

Friday 13 December 2013

Year 12 Film Studies

For the following, focus on either question 1 or question 2. The likelyhood is that question 2 will the strongest one as you will know more about audiences at this stage of the year.

The stimulus material is at the bottom of the exam paper, although I have added a separate presentation with the stimulus on it so it can be downloaded and viewed as two separate documents.

Essay-writing : The Essential Guide

Wednesday 11 December 2013

AS and A2 repeats - current Horror blog check list!

My Blog Checklist – AS Horror

Before you can constructively move on, you need to have completed the following IN DETAIL on your blogs.

Every blog post should include the following, so that the examiner knows what they are looking

ü  What the activity was / what have you embedded into this post?

ü  What did you learn (summary, briefly)?

ü  How will this impact upon your final music video construction?

Blog Post
¨  Introduction
¨  No evidence needed.

¨  180 Degree rule and Shot Reverse Shot
¨  Embedded footage.
¨  Written, detailed evaluation.
¨  Match on Action
¨  Embedded footage.
¨  Written, detailed evaluation.
¨  Preliminary Task
¨  Embedded footage and discussion of task.
¨  Embedded evaluation (groups selected own approach)
¨  Horror Genre Research
¨  A bulk upload and embedding of various media platforms (timelines, prezi’s etc…) in to one post with each person’s activity pointed out.
¨  Target audience questionnaire with analysis of results.
¨  Link included, possibly screenshot of the survey.
¨  Filmed/sound recorded analysis of results.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Wednesday 9 October 2013

AS Work : Evaluating Match on Action

1.What is match on action? Explain your understanding to the reader. Link with continuity.

2.Explain the activity i.e. The scenario you had to depict, the sketch you created, the choices you had to make regarding positioning of the cameras.

3.Embed the YouTube video.

4.Evaluate the success by answering the following questions (in full sentences)

1.What was the simplest part of the activity and why?

2.What was the most challenging part of the activity and why?

How could you overcome this challenge?

3.What have you learnt or revised?

4.If you could be more critical of your technical skills (shots, angles, camera positioning) what will you do differently to improve your demonstration of match on action?

Tuesday 1 October 2013

AS - Uploading 180 Degree and Shot Reverse Shot Project and HOMEWORK

Dear AS Media students,

You are working really hard and over the last couple of lessons have been filming and editing a simple piece of footage.

Now you need to embed this into your blogs and discuss it. I also want you to evaluate the activity and have included a document which doubles up as homework.

I will be marking blogs and recording a grade so far, according to the mark scheme from Monday of next week. Get your work up to date.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

A2 Copyright - Letter Task

In class we have looked at copyright, what it means and how it will have an impact on the music you choose to use on your music video.

You can use music from an established artist, or someone unsigned. Regardless, you still have to seek permission to use their work and reassure them of your reasons for using their track.

Remember to use Standard English and write with a formal tone. Also, remember there are conventions to letter writing such as;

  • Your address on the top right-hand side
  • The full date underneath your address
  • The address of the person you are sending it to on the left-hand side.
  • Opening formally with 'Dear...'
  • Ending, as you would to a stranger, with 'Yours faithfully...'
Remember is also important to;

  • Use capital letters, full stops and paragraphs.
  • Write in full sentences.
  • Spell check your work.
For your blog entry you should upload a copy of this letter, along with some information about why you are writing this letter and what you have learnt about copyright. Show your knowledge and suggest why the writing of the letter is an important part of your journey to creating your own music video.

Miss Derrick

Tuesday 17 September 2013

AS - Shot Types and Angles

In today's lesson we have:

  • selected a scenario card to help us choose appropriate body language, facial expressions and mise-en-scene;
  • practised storyboard skills by sketching each camera shot/angle;
  • discovered the name, abbreviation and generalise use for that shot/angle;
  • carefully using a tripod and camcorder, captured a still image which mimics our storyboard of angles and shots;
  • uploaded those shots in to a word document with a grid and accurately cropped and labelled the stills;
  • uploaded to;
  • practised embedding our files into our blogs;
The final activity for your homework, which I will set on Thursday and is due in on Monday 23rd September, is to write about what you have done and how it will contribute to your project.
  • What have you learnt?
  • How is this valuable?
  • Why is the scenario and genre of film relevant to the shots and angles?
Replicate the sheet below or otherwise, save a copy of this one and use it for your work.

Monday 16 September 2013

Using Blogger and Slide Share Embedding - AS and A2 Students

Ocr student breakdown from Daybird1987

Dear students,

Just as I had prepared for you to embed documents using, I come in to school and it has been blocked but fear not. I want you to open a account instead and follow the instructions I have placed in the PowerPoint listed below, already embedded into this document for you to open and follow.

Let me know if you need any help!


Wednesday 11 September 2013

AS Media Studies

Dear AS Media Students,

Welcome to Media! This is what needs to go in to your first blog post.

Keep the name simple and relevant to you.
Your initials with SWMedia if you want to.
For your opening post, introduce:
Your name
Candidate number
The reason you are producing this blog (evidence of the work your are producing for your foundation portfolio)
- Why you are doing Media; what interests you and what prior experience do you have?

Complete for homework and remember to buy folders and dividers for Monday's lesson!

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Homework Task Set 10/9/13

I cannot find the following blogs:

- Mustafa's
- Rumena's

Your homework is due next Wednesday 18th September when I next see you. By then you should have a folder with dividers for your work.

For your homework, write your first post. Use full sentences and check spelling, punctuation and grammar.

}Introduce yourself (name, age, candidate number) and where you are studying.
}Summarise what you have studied on the course so far (What did you cover in AS?)
}What you are doing via this blog.
}G324 Advanced Portfolio

}Brief number 1 – a promotional package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video together with a digipak for the album’s release and a magazine advertisement for the digipak.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

AS Level - blog maintenance is key! The first comment from the examiner is "Over 40 entries here." They are impressed by seeing the journey documented! This accounts for Research and Planning AND your Evaluation.

AS Level -  Titles and film opening task. The practical bit! This received nearly full marks for the practical side of the coursework. 

Take into account how professional the quality is and how conventions have been followed in a sincere and convincing manner. This is top end stuff and something we should be striving for!

The Edge - AS Level Opening Sequence


Welcome to Miss Derrick's Media Studies Blog.  This blog is created for students to pick up information regarding their coursework and to link them to areas of interest and examples of how to improve their coursework and blogs.

Students are expected to maintain a blog as a way of demonstrating their progress throughout the course. Their blog should document the journey they take and should be a forum for uploading different Media and evidencing their own learning journey.

Just because material is disregarded or proves to be insufficient for the final product, doesn't mean it isn't a valuable part of the process which needs to be documented.

As Media students, embrace the different platforms available to you! You should be using multiple forms of Media and therefore should be constantly updating and maintaining blogs and vlogs as well uploading film files supplement your work.

It may be the holidays as I write this but believe me, I expect no prolonged dips in activity during term time. Keep updating!

Enjoy the rest of your summer and I look forward to meeting you all in 3 weeks time!