Wednesday 11 December 2013

AS and A2 repeats - current Horror blog check list!

My Blog Checklist – AS Horror

Before you can constructively move on, you need to have completed the following IN DETAIL on your blogs.

Every blog post should include the following, so that the examiner knows what they are looking

ü  What the activity was / what have you embedded into this post?

ü  What did you learn (summary, briefly)?

ü  How will this impact upon your final music video construction?

Blog Post
¨  Introduction
¨  No evidence needed.

¨  180 Degree rule and Shot Reverse Shot
¨  Embedded footage.
¨  Written, detailed evaluation.
¨  Match on Action
¨  Embedded footage.
¨  Written, detailed evaluation.
¨  Preliminary Task
¨  Embedded footage and discussion of task.
¨  Embedded evaluation (groups selected own approach)
¨  Horror Genre Research
¨  A bulk upload and embedding of various media platforms (timelines, prezi’s etc…) in to one post with each person’s activity pointed out.
¨  Target audience questionnaire with analysis of results.
¨  Link included, possibly screenshot of the survey.
¨  Filmed/sound recorded analysis of results.

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