Monday 16 December 2013

AS Media Studies : Step Outline for Horror Film Titles

Over this week and over Christmas it is expected that you explore conventional Horror film titles. When you return after the break you will be writing;
  • a film pitch (which you will then receive feedback for from your target audience and amend appropriately)
  • a storyboard
  • a step-outline
  • a shot-list
  • a script
  • a costume and props collage
  • maintaining an edit log
  • filming the whole thing in a day at Bentley Priory Use images from this site as part of your planning.
  • editing
  • evaluating and completing your coursework projects.
Phew! That is A LOT to do so you must ensure that when you return, this task is completed.

You must complete two step-outlines for two film openings. You must then bring together your findings about conventions within film titles to 'inform' you own work. Use screen shots and some presentation software like PowerPoint or prezi to discuss the information you have discovered.

You may choose to produce two step-outlines as a whole group (splitting the table up between you with each focusing on an area) and then put together a prezi where each of you contribute to one prezi presentation. This is up to you but needs to be completed over Christmas if it isn't done before you leave.

Useful Documents

Shot types :

Camera Angles:

Camera Movements:

Horror Film Titles Available on the Web

Friday 13 December 2013

Year 12 Film Studies

For the following, focus on either question 1 or question 2. The likelyhood is that question 2 will the strongest one as you will know more about audiences at this stage of the year.

The stimulus material is at the bottom of the exam paper, although I have added a separate presentation with the stimulus on it so it can be downloaded and viewed as two separate documents.

Essay-writing : The Essential Guide

Wednesday 11 December 2013

AS and A2 repeats - current Horror blog check list!

My Blog Checklist – AS Horror

Before you can constructively move on, you need to have completed the following IN DETAIL on your blogs.

Every blog post should include the following, so that the examiner knows what they are looking

ü  What the activity was / what have you embedded into this post?

ü  What did you learn (summary, briefly)?

ü  How will this impact upon your final music video construction?

Blog Post
¨  Introduction
¨  No evidence needed.

¨  180 Degree rule and Shot Reverse Shot
¨  Embedded footage.
¨  Written, detailed evaluation.
¨  Match on Action
¨  Embedded footage.
¨  Written, detailed evaluation.
¨  Preliminary Task
¨  Embedded footage and discussion of task.
¨  Embedded evaluation (groups selected own approach)
¨  Horror Genre Research
¨  A bulk upload and embedding of various media platforms (timelines, prezi’s etc…) in to one post with each person’s activity pointed out.
¨  Target audience questionnaire with analysis of results.
¨  Link included, possibly screenshot of the survey.
¨  Filmed/sound recorded analysis of results.