Sunday 23 March 2014

Gender Representation

Dear AS Students,

Sorry for Friday; I completely forgot to add your work to this blog. I know; awful of me!

Anyway, today's lesson was on Gender representation. I wanted to direct you to some further reading below:

There are lots of theories embedded which may stick with you, aside from the two we have covered in class. It's definitely worth a read although the focus is on women.

Sunday 16 March 2014

TV Drama Lesson 1

Well done everyone; your blogs are looking superb and you have come on an epic journey so far and now we have the run-up to the end.

The following is the PowerPoint from today's lesson.

Monday 10 March 2014

AS Media Studies Evaluation - Classroom Handouts

Dear AS and repeat AS students,

I have attached below, the markscheme and questions required for your final project. AS students received this as a handout but the repeats may not have.

Evaluation mark scheme and breakdown from Daybird1987

The PowerPoint used in lesson, re-iterating the need for a quality product that still reflects your ability!


Monday 3 March 2014

AS Evaluations

You are on the home stretch! Well done!! I am very proud of you all for working so hard this year! Don't let this final bit go down hill as marks can easily be lost!

Just to add here a blog from Pete Fraser who co-wrote the OCR specification for Media Studies. He guides you through some of the options for your evaluations; heed his advise!! He is the one who trains moderators on what to look for and definitely knows his stuff so don't underestimate his advise!

It's an old post; but it's relevant.

Stolen from this wonderful website also are a few links to other blogs with great evaluation samples.

Here are the links listed on that websites:

Remember AS class, you have until Friday 14th March when everything should be finished for you guys! Keep up the great work!