Wednesday 9 October 2013

AS Work : Evaluating Match on Action

1.What is match on action? Explain your understanding to the reader. Link with continuity.

2.Explain the activity i.e. The scenario you had to depict, the sketch you created, the choices you had to make regarding positioning of the cameras.

3.Embed the YouTube video.

4.Evaluate the success by answering the following questions (in full sentences)

1.What was the simplest part of the activity and why?

2.What was the most challenging part of the activity and why?

How could you overcome this challenge?

3.What have you learnt or revised?

4.If you could be more critical of your technical skills (shots, angles, camera positioning) what will you do differently to improve your demonstration of match on action?

Tuesday 1 October 2013

AS - Uploading 180 Degree and Shot Reverse Shot Project and HOMEWORK

Dear AS Media students,

You are working really hard and over the last couple of lessons have been filming and editing a simple piece of footage.

Now you need to embed this into your blogs and discuss it. I also want you to evaluate the activity and have included a document which doubles up as homework.

I will be marking blogs and recording a grade so far, according to the mark scheme from Monday of next week. Get your work up to date.