Tuesday 20 August 2013

AS Level - blog maintenance is key! The first comment from the examiner is "Over 40 entries here." They are impressed by seeing the journey documented! This accounts for Research and Planning AND your Evaluation.


AS Level -  Titles and film opening task. The practical bit! This received nearly full marks for the practical side of the coursework. 

Take into account how professional the quality is and how conventions have been followed in a sincere and convincing manner. This is top end stuff and something we should be striving for!

The Edge - AS Level Opening Sequence


Welcome to Miss Derrick's Media Studies Blog.  This blog is created for students to pick up information regarding their coursework and to link them to areas of interest and examples of how to improve their coursework and blogs.

Students are expected to maintain a blog as a way of demonstrating their progress throughout the course. Their blog should document the journey they take and should be a forum for uploading different Media and evidencing their own learning journey.

Just because material is disregarded or proves to be insufficient for the final product, doesn't mean it isn't a valuable part of the process which needs to be documented.

As Media students, embrace the different platforms available to you! You should be using multiple forms of Media and therefore should be constantly updating and maintaining blogs and vlogs as well uploading film files etc...to supplement your work.

It may be the holidays as I write this but believe me, I expect no prolonged dips in activity during term time. Keep updating!

Enjoy the rest of your summer and I look forward to meeting you all in 3 weeks time!